
No soy una persona supersticiosa… es decir, evito regar sal y pasar por debajo de las escaleras… pero me encantan los gatos negros y cada vez que veo uno lo acaricio, o al menos trato de…

Repito, no soy una persona *tan* supersticiosa. Digamos que lo soy, pero no lo suficiente como para preocuparme si se me rompe un espejo.

De todas maneras me parecen demasiadas coincidencias. Mi salud no ha estado muy bien que digamos. La de mi familia que ni se diga. En lo económico las cosas van de mal en peor.

También me pongo a pensar. Aunque nos estén haciendo brujería, no hay razón por la cual preocuparse si se tiene a Dios de parte de uno. Por eso ayer rocié mi habitación con agua bendita.

El otro día le decía a mi novio que seguramente me habían echado tierra de muerto. Se molestó mucho. Yo sólo estaba tratando de justificar mi falta de suerte, pero él no cree en esas cosas. Yo digo que hay malas vibraciones en el aire, una mujer siente cuando hay algo fuera de lo común, o no…?


For all of those with Irish blood in ye’ veins : )


Yersterday I even painted my fingernails… They didn’t come out nice that’s why I washed them out.

I’ve watched almost every episode of “That’s 70s Show” just because I didn’t have anything else to do. I hate being bored. On the other side, I don’t even want to think about school anymore. I might have failed my first class -I really do hope I didn’t, I cannot afford failing a class… But if I ever did, there’s a first time for everything, I guess…

I don’t know what else to write about. I’ve had such a boring week. I don’t even want to go out; it’s like everything’s lost forever. I’m incredibly drepressed because of it.

I’ll probably go out somewhere but I don’t even feel like it. I’d better stay and fix my room up or something. so…

That’s pretty much it…

Not that I wanna go back to school, but I’m so bored…


Estimado Señor Ladrón:

Mucho le agradeceré, que si me roba el celular, se sirva a devolverme… por lo menos el chip.

Hay ladrones que parece que no dan ni para atrás ni para adelante….

El otro día mi celular fue víctima de un secuestro express. Lo cual no llego a entender, ya que el pobre aparato a duras penas andaba… Era un 5200 -de esos que en su tiempo eran los más modernos, con camarita, blu-tut y mp3…-; lo único malo era que no servía para realizar llamadas.

Ni recibirlas.

Aparte de que la carcaza era falseta… pero ese ya es otro cuento. Yo tengo un karma con los 5200. Ya van 3 en mi lista de celulares robados y/o perdidos por mi persona, los cuales coincidentemente eran modelo 5200 -negros todos, incluso el último que era blanco pero por cuestiones del destino y del mal karma cambió de color.

Digamos que es una de mis maldiciones personales. No puedo tener el único modelo de celular que realmente me gusta (dentro de mi presupuesto)…

Respetadísimo señor dueño de lo ajeno:

Le invito a conservar mi celular. Está dañado aunque para algo le ha de servir, o algunos pesos ha de poder obtener gracias a él… pero por favor devuélvame mi chip!

Así que ahora ando con un discretísimo 3220 (sí, el arbolito de navidad), con sistema antirobo. Al menos puedo mandar mensajes y recibir llamadas. Je je je.

Qué celu tan guay!

Ok, before you seriously  consider me as “the freak doll lady”, who collects Cabbage Patch Kids and Magic Nursery Babies, let me say something.

It’s some kind of an inversion. These dolls are going to be *really* expensive in the future. Well, I don’t really bought them only thinking about their future value, but it’s a very important part of CPKs collecting.

I buy them, I restore them the best I can, and I display them. I’ve reached over a dozen with my last baby, who’s pics I’m gonna show at the end of this post.

So, here’s what I did to fix Joni’s hair…


I sometimes take my Cabbies out for a walk. I usually only take Humphrey out because he’s the cuttest one… Here we are, for example, at San Marino’s food court… This pic was taken by my BF from his cell phone so it might be blurry.


Ok, changing subjects, I decided to post a pic of what I usually take for breakfast, because I’m hungry, and also because I want to show off my cell phone’s camera.


French toasts and sausages. And my kitty’s coockie jar.

And I took this pic of my parrot, Robin, with my old Nokia 3500. Nokias’ camera tend to give rather noisy results…


He’s a good parrot. He lets me pet him all I want. Both my mom and my grandfather think he looks like Robin from Batman and Robin. Because of his colors, they say. LOL

And here’s my new baby. He was made for Toys R Us in 2002. They were only distributed for three years. So I spent a little bit more on this one. I’m really expecting him to be worth a lot in a couple of decades LOL

TRU Babies came inside a moses basket or inside a cardboard cabbage leaf. So he’s pretty mint..

See ya,


And get myself somin’ to drank.

I’ve been having weird dreams lately. Also I’ve been so freaking hungry and feeling quite tired and sleepy most of the time…

Yet, no, I’m not pregnant, considering that I haven’t done anything to… well, you know what I mean.

I just feel drained. I’d so love vacations, but again, I have to be here, sitting and waiting even if there’s nothing I should be doing.

I hate college. I HATE IT WILL ALL MY MIGHT. I don’t ever want to go back there ever…!

But I must, every single week until I graduate. I wish it was just a little tiny bit more interesting… BUT IT’S NOT!

I’m so bored in those classes. Multimedia and Leadership or something of the sort. Only the mention of these classes makes me dizzy…

Usually I like my classes, but this semester… I hate them. My professors are so darn boring it’s like living hell…

I sure love ESPOL but I don’t have to like it *right now*.

Ok, so about the new house. I decided to -we decided the color- choose a chocolate tone. It’s gonna look wonderful. And the back yard’s so perfect. I’ve been planning to decorate its floor with ceramics. And I can place a hammock or two next to a small table and some plants…

I’m treading over pink soft clouds.

I’m seriously considering also -I’m always serious about what to consider- getting a dog, or a cat. I already have 2 male parrots and a Siamese. But I think my cat stopped loving me at some point. So I’m not taking him home with me.

I could really do with a new kitty. I adore cats, but I don’t know if it’ll be a good idea to own one as newly married couple. Maybe I shouldn’t get a pet just then.

Or who knows?

My meal’s actually really hot. My cola, very cold. It’s 6 o’clock and I’m having a break from school. Yesterday I was so intensely tired, I felt asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. It was hardly 8 at night when it happened.

And I know tonight we’re going out, even though the rain seems heavier than other nights… I also know we’re not exactly going to watch the movie. I’m most certainly sure we’ll come back late at night, and I’ll show him my new Cabbage Patch Kid, a beautiful boy with straight black hair and blue eyes. I can see him holding my doll in his hands as if he were holding a child…

We’ll have a nice chat.  I’ll tell him about everything I did today, and he’ll complain as usually about his job. Then we’ll start discussing the wedding topic.

I can see myself doing this for a very long time.

And it’s all perfectly good.


Well, yesterday I didn’t feel like spending three entire hours of my whole life listening to ‘how to become a leader’, so I decided to use that time in a more useful way, like hanging out with a couple of friends, including my next to be brother-in-law and Patricia. We hanged out for more than two hours. The most interesting thing about our communications would be the following…

Me myself: Hi, I was wondering if we could meet after classes?

Pat: Ok, but where are you?

Me myself: At the Cat Bar.

Pat: Ok, wait for me.

Now, coming to think about it, there’s not such a place as “the Cat  Bar” or “the Bar of the Cats”. We simply re-christened it, because there are so many cats lying all over the place, so what  better name than “Cat Bar”?

Also, there’s the “Mini Mall”. Not exactly at all like a Mini Mall. More like a “small shop”, or “caffeteria”. But Mini Mall? Please…

Or the “Volleyball field”. It’s definitely not like the way it sounds. It’s just an empty lot with a net hanging from two trees… I wouldn’t call it exactly a “volleyball field”, but yesterday one of my friends asked me to meet her there. I understood instantly.

 Ok, changing subjects, we already signed all the papers we needed to sign in order to buy our house. I also bought a couple of things like hand-towels, napkins, and ornaments… I’m thinking of buying some more by the end of the month. I’m really excited about all of this.

Hmmm… I don’t have anything more, so I guess that’s it. See you then,


I’m just sitting around thinking on many ways to make some money. And getting really bored ‘coz I finished with what I had to do in school. I’m just no longer under a lot of pressure. We took a huge decision, and we’re getting a house. A beautiful, nice, new place to live. It isn’t a palace, but it’s in the country side of our city, and it’s located in a lovely place.

It has four bedrooms and an entertainment room in the 1rst floor… I’m so delighted! And yet we need so many things for our new house. Starting with the basic stuff such as furniture and silverware…

I need money. The good news are the following. Since the scholar year endend, I have no longer to teach for 3 entire months and I’m still going to get paid. AND I’m receiving a full month vacation on February. I’m so darn lucky 🙂 But I’m going to be so broke… I have to save for my wedding. I want it to be really simple. I’ve already talked to my friends here, and I’m not  sure how its done nowadays… I guess it’s going to be expensive anyway, but I’ll try to save for our honey moon.

I off now. Take care,


1 little monkey jumping on the bed!

he fell down

and bumped his head

momma called the doctor

and the doctor said:

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

little monkey
April 2024